Audrey Hepburn's residence
別荘地なのか なかなか分かりずらく しかもプライベート地区にあるため入ることは許されず・・・!
見せてくれ しかも少し位なら多分大丈夫でしょうと 近くまで案内もしてくれました あまり広くはない道の
当時結婚式を挙げたとても小さな教会があり 教えてもらったのですが 残念ながら少し慌てていて
撮影するのを忘れました 邸宅からはルツェルン湖が眼下に広がり・・・素晴しいロケーションです!(5/2006)
It is a residence that exists in high-end residential Bulgenshutocc?of Luzern suburbs in Switzerland. It is not permitted to enter because it is
quite in understanding and and a private district. However, is it an old haberdashery's shop in the vicinity in welcome?The grandmother kindly showed
the letter and the photograph and when it might be safe if it was 2~3 minute, it shortly guided it.
The building of a brown wall that comes out at the end seems to be Sofia Lauren's very villa.
有名なカペル橋からタクシーで向かったのですが ルツェルン湖をはさんだ反対側で
30分くらいですが 山の上の別荘地といった所でとにかくわかりずらい所でした?
Anyway, it was place in the place of villa area on the mountain though was about 30 minutes on the other side
where the Luzern lake was placed in the car there though faced from a famous Kapell bridge with the taxi.
"Breakfast at Tiffany's 
Please endure "Animation" though a little heavy is a fault.