Paris・・Ccathedrale Notre-Dame

セーヌ川に浮かぶパリ発祥の地 シテ島に建つ 映画「ノートルダムの背むし男」でも
有名な大寺院!1163年パリ司教シュリーによって着工し 1345年に完成した
初期ゴシック建築の傑作といわれています 観光客に人気の有名な3つの”バラの窓”と

As for Notre Dame, movie "Back man of Notre Dame" that builts in the Shite island in the Paris birthplace that floats
 on the Seine river starts constructing by bishop Paris Sillery in a famous church in 1163 and is called the masterpiece of the initial,
Gothic construction completed in 1345. It is also famous that the oldest stained glass in Paris (13 century) said, three famous
 "Window of the rose" popular among the tourist is very beautiful.

Please endure "Animation" though a little heavy is a fault.

    Ccathedrale Notre-Dame・・・ Time slipped!・・・1973〜4年ころの風景が甦ります!
